Questions BEFORE eye exam:
Protocol before eye examination:
* Information: Make the visitor aware by telling him that it is essential to consult a specialist (we are not a doctor) every two years to do a full eye test , and check his eye pressure... .. NB: No eye examination at least 16 years old. We are NO optometrists opticians.
1) * Necessity of the visit (Eye examination.)
* What are your visual complaints?
* When was your last appointment with the ophthalmologist?
* Have you ever had eye surgery.
2) * Optical compensation:
* When do you wear your glasses? The use of your glasses (VL, VP, VIntermediate)
3) * Civil status:
* The eye test that I am going to perform is not a medical procedure.
* For any pathology screening and eye health examinations, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist every 2 years.
*What is your first name ? What is your age?
4) * General health of the visitor and his family:
*Are you taking any medication that affects your vision? Pregnancy ? Diabetes? Blood Pressure? Diets? Recent illness? Cholesterol?
*Do you have allergies? (Metal, or medical).
5) * Eye health of the subject and his family.
* No eye strain? An early cataract? Glaucoma? Keratoconus? Retinal detachment? AMD (For the elderly.)
* Visual needs: (Working distance, Posture, environment, Lighting.)
* Do you have or do you experience visual fatigue? (asthenopic signs).
* Are you sensitive to light? (Photophobia)
* NB: Working on screens: 1 in 3 people regularly experience dryness or irritation or eye fatigue linked to prolonged working on screens.